Patient monitoring system Meditech
Meditech Patient monitoring systems is the term for all the various devices that are used to supervise patients. One category of such devices is devices that alerts if the patient gets into a critical state. Example of one such device is a heart monitor.
The need for patient monitoring is apparent in situations where the patient is:
* In unstable physiological regulatory systems, for example in the case of a drug overdose or anesthesia.
* In a life threatening condition, for example where there are indications of a heart attack.
* In risk of developing a life threatening condition.
* In a critical physiological state.
Patient monitoring is not a new in health care. The first primitive patient monitoring started with the work done by Santorio in 1625 that was measuring of body temperature and blood pressure. The development of new technology after World War 2 and up to today has developed a vast amount of different types of monitoring that can be done.
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