Modular multiparameters patient monitor High resolution 12.1 inch TFT touch screen Standard parameters: ECG, Respiration, PR, NIBP, SpO2, TEMP, VGA output for external display Maximum 8 channel waveform synchronous display Built in rechargeable lithium battery pack Three working modes: monitoring, operation and diagnosis Data and waveforms color adjustable Arrhythmia analysis and S-T segment analysis Suitable for adult, peadiatric and neonatal patients Display 7 channel ECG waveforms on one screen, cascade ECG waveform display Built in battery for up to 2 hours of continuous operation System software can be upgraded via USB
Option Modules: IBP, EtCO2 , Options: Thermal printer
ECG Lead mode 5 leads ( R, L, F, N, C or RA, LA, LL, RL, V) Lead selection I, II, III, avR, avL, avF, V, Waveform 2 ch Derivative mode 3 derivatives ( R, L, F or RA, LA, LL) Line selection I , II, III, Waveform 1 ch Gain x2.5mm/mV, x5.0mm/mV, x10mm/mV, x20mm/mV, auto HR and alarm Range Adult 15 ~ 300 bpm Neo/Ped 15 ~ 350 bpm Accuracy ± 1% or ± 1 bpm, which is very good Resolution 1 bpm Sensitivity > 200 (uV ) Differential input impedance > 5 MΩ CMRR Monitoring > 105 dB Operation > 105 dB Diagnostics > 85 dB Electrode offset potential ±300mV Leakage current < 10 uA Baseline recovery < 3 S after defi. ECG signal range ±8 m V ( Vp-p ) Bandwidth Surgery 1 ~ 15 Hz Monitoring 0.5 ~ 35 Hz Diagnostics 0.05 ~ 100 Hz Calibration signal 1 (mV ), accuracy : ±5% ST segment monitoring range Measurement and alarm -2.0 ~ +2.0 mV ARR detection Type ASYSTOLE, VFIB/VTAC, COUPLET, BIGEMINY, TRIGEMINY, R ON T, VT > 2, PVC, TACHY, BRADY, MISSED BEATS, PNP, PNC Alarm available Verification available RESPARATION Method Impedance between RF (RA-LL) Differential input impedance > 2.5 MΩ Range of measurement impedance: 0.3~5.0Ω Base line impedance range: 0 – 2.5 KΩ Bandwidth 0.3~2.5 Hz Response rate Measuring and alarm range Adult 0 ~ 120 rpm Neo/Ped 0 ~ 150 rpm Resolution 1 rpm Accuracy ±2 rpm Apean alarm 10 ~ 40 S NIBP Method Oscillometric Mode Manual, Auto, STAT Measuring interval in AUTO mode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 480 (min) Measuring time in STAT mode 5 min Pulse rate range 40 ~ 240 bpm Alarm type SYS, DIA, MEAN Measurement and alarm range Adult mode SYS 40 ~ 270 mmHg DIA 10 ~ 215 mmHg MEAN 20 ~ 235 mmHg Pediatric mode SYS 40 ~ 200 mmHg DIA 10 ~ 150 mmHg MEAN 20 ~ 165 mmHg Neonatal mode SYS 40 ~ 135 mmHg DIA 10 ~ 100 mmHg MEAN 20 ~ 110 mmHg Resolution Pressure 1mmHg Accuracy Pressure Maximum mean deviation ±5mmHg Maximum standard deviation ±8mmHg Protection against overpressure Adult mode 297±3 mmHg Pediatric mode 240±3 mmHg Neonatal mode 147±3 mmHg SpO2 Measuring range 0 ~ 100 Alarm range 0 ~ 100 Resolution 1% Accuracy 70% ~ 100% ±2 0% ~ 69% not specified Update interval approx. 1 sec. Alarm delay 10 sec. Pulse rate Measuring and alarm range 0~254bpm Resolution 1bpm Accuracy ±2bpm TEMPERATURE Channel 1 Measuring and alarm range 0 ~ 50 C Resolution 0,1~C Accuracy ±0,1~C Update interval approx. 1 sec. Average time constant < 10 sec. IBP Module Designation ART, PA, CVP, RAP, LAP, ICP, P1, P2 Measuring and alarm range ART 0 ~ 300 mmHg PA -6 ~ 120 mmHg CVP/RAP/ LAP /ICP -10 ~ 40 mmHg P1/P2 -10 ~ 300 mmHg Pressure sensor Sensitivity 5 uV/V/mmHg Impedance 300-3000Ω Resolution 1 mmHg Accuracy ±2% or ±1mmHg, which is about 1 second.
ECG Cable (5 Leads) ...... 1Pcs
SpO2 Cable (Adult) ........ 1Pcs
TEMP Probe (Adult) ....... 1Pcs
NIBP Cuff (Adult) ............ 1Pcs
NIBP Tube(150cm) ......... 1PcsGround Cable ................ 1Pcs
Power Cable ................... 1Pcs
Cleaning Cloth ................ 1Pcs
ECG Cable (3 Leads)
ECG Alligator Clips (Metal)
SpO2 Cable (Adult hard shell sensor)
SpO2 Cable (Adult Soft shell sensor)
SpO2 Cable (Neonatal soft sensor)
NIBP Cuff (infant 8 - 14 cm 5/Bag)ECG Alligator Clips (Metal)
SpO2 Cable (Adult hard shell sensor)
SpO2 Cable (Adult Soft shell sensor)
SpO2 Cable (Neonatal soft sensor)
Paper Role
Thermal printer
Patient Monitor Wall mounts (3 Models)
Patient Monitor Trolley (5 Models)
Thermal printer
Patient Monitor Wall mounts (3 Models)
Patient Monitor Trolley (5 Models)
Product Features
Modular multiparameters patient monitor High resolution 12.1 inch TFT touch screen Standard parameters: ECG, Respiration, PR, NIBP, SpO2, TEMP, VGA output for external display Maximum 8 channel waveform synchronous display Built in rechargeable lithium battery pack Three working modes: monitoring, operation and diagnosis Data and waveforms color adjustable Arrhythmia analysis and S-T segment analysis Suitable for adult, peadiatric and neonatal patients Display 7 channel ECG waveforms on one screen, cascade ECG waveform display Built in battery for up to 2 hours of continuous operation System software can be upgraded via USB
Option Modules: IBP, EtCO2 , Options: Thermal printer
Product Specifications
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Modular patient monitor 12.1 inch TFT color screen with touch screen. Monitoring ECG, SP02, NIBP, RESP, 2- TEMP, PR as standard parameters, as well as 2-IBP, ETC02 and thermal printer